Best Xanthelasma Removal in Dubai by Dr. Fazeela Abbasi

Yellowish plaques around the eyelids, known as xanthelasma, can be an aesthetic problem for many individuals. Among the different treatment methods, xanthelasma laser treatment stands out as a slightly invasive solution. Discover why xanthelasma laser removal is considered the best treatment for xanthelasma, especially under the expert care of Dr. Fazeela Abbasi in Dubai.

What is Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma are yellow bumps on or near the eyelids. These small, fatty deposits look bad and can be a cosmetic concern for many people. Though harmless, some may need treatment of xanthelasma to remove them. Xanthelasma laser treatment is one of the great options for those looking to get rid of these deposits.

Causes of Xanthelasma

Xanthelasma develops due to several reasons. The main cause is the collection of cholesterol deposits under the skin. Other factors that contribute to the disease include:

  • High(“bad”) cholesterol or low (“good”) cholesterol
  • Inherited high cholesterol 
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes

These causes can help to determine and decide the best treatment for xanthelasma.

Candidates of Xanthelasma Laser Treatment

People who are facing xanthelasma may be a candidates for treatment. It affects both genders and can appear at any age, mostly in middle-aged and older adults. Dr. Fazeela Abbasi can decide whether you have xanthoma by examining the skin around your eyes. She may order tests to check the lipid levels in your blood.

Treatment Areas of Xanthelasma

Xanthelasma typically appears around the eyelids, but can also be found on other parts of the body. The most common areas include:

  • Upper and lower eyelids
  • Around the eyes

How is Xanthelsma Treated?

Xanthelasma may be treated through surgical removal, chemical peels, and laser treatment. Laser removal is generally considered the best treatment for xanthelasma due to its accuracy and perfection. This method includes using a laser to break down the fatty deposits without damaging the surrounding skin.

Laser Treatment for Xanthelasma Benefits

Laser treatment for xanthelasma offers several benefits:

  • Slightly invasive
  • A high degree of precision
  • Lessen the risk of scarring
  • Quick recovery time

Xanthelasma Laser Treatment Procedure

The procedure for xanthelasma laser treatment is very simple. It involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: A detailed assessment of the xanthelasma.
  2. Preparation: The area to be treated is numbed using an injection.
  3. Laser Treatment: A laser is used to target and remove the deposits.
  4. Post-Treatment Care: Guidelines for care and recovery are provided to the patient.

Laser Treatment for Xanthelasma Side Effects

Xanthelasma laser treatment can have some slight side effects, such as:

  • Changes in skin colour
  • Swelling
  • Temporary discomfort
  • Risk of infection 

With proper care, some side effects disappear in days, while others (like skin discolouration) take a couple of months to recover.

Why Choose Dr. Fazeela Abbasi for Xanthelasma Removal in Dubai?

Dr. Fazeela Abbasi is a highly skilled, DHA-licensed dermatologist, an expert laser specialist, and a doctorate in medicine. She is a well-known celebrity dermatologist and aesthetic skin specialist with over 15 years of experience. Choosing Dr. Fazeela Abbasi for xanthelasma removal in Dubai ensures you a personalized treatment plan and excellent patient support.

Want to Get a Consultation?

If you’re looking for the right choice to get treatment for Xanthelasma, contact Dr. Fazeela Abbasi today to schedule a consultation.


Xanthelasma usually does not disappear on its own. They may remain the same size or grow larger over time. Treatment is necessary to get rid of them.

Yes, both men and women can suffer from xanthelasma, though it develops more in women than men.

The CO2 laser uses laser technology to exactly target xanthelasma and can remove it quickly in less time. Surgical removal involves physically cutting out the deposits and threading the skin, increasing the chance of scarring and infection.

Fixed and focused light energy is used in laser treatment for xanthelasma to break down the cholesterol deposits without damaging the surrounding tissue of the area.

The procedure generally takes about 30 minutes, depending on the size, growth and number of xanthelasma.

While most patients need just one session, some may need additional treatments depending on the severity of their xanthelasma.

A single session can be enough to treat multiple lesions, but again this depends on their size and location.

Recovery time is normally quick and brief, allowing most patients to come back to normal activities within a few days.

The CO2 laser is taken as one of the best lasers for treating xanthelasma due to its precision and success.

The cost of xanthelasma removal depends on the number of lesions and the particular treatment plan. For a detailed consultation, it is recommended to seek advice from Dr. Fazeela Abbasi.

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